Saturday, November 7, 2015

I am baby decided to wean so early

She is about 11 mo...
It was just like every other day...
It was Thursday we decided to head to home town...
Baby had a mild fever and cold...normal la takkan BF tak kena sakit.
Nah, she's gonna be OK tomorrow...She's a BF baby...antibody tip top. Was (sob sob sob).

It was just out of a sudden, I dunno what body odor? Milk not tasty? Slow mo?...she rejected me. She refuses my B.....I tried for usual la. But she cried every time i offered my B. Turning her head away and her hand pushing my B I am not ready to wean, I feel sad. Still feeling sad right now....normally me is the one who decided not to BF anymore it's time to let me go.

Yeah I m hurting. You know la what will happen if suddenly baby won't uncomfy!!!
Since it happened at my hometown, No pump.I rushed to tesco looking for the cheapest manual pump. I thought I never has to pump and feel like a cow anymore. But who knows it not my call to's Allah call.

I told hubby, he said maybe it's time to let go....just bottle fed her. It's easier.
But it's not 2 years yet..still not complete. Still a long way to go.

I feel like should i enjoy my freedom now?...or keep pumping maybe she will BF again. I don't know.
Now just use formula. Luckily I brought FM to hometown. I always mix her porridge with FM so it tastes better...

Maybe it's ok to just wean more trouble weaning in toddlerhood. They said should wean in babyhood.

Maybe I always said (niat) when I was pregnant to her that I wanted to wean her before her 1st birthday and now my wish is granted....Alhamdulillah?

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