Monday, September 12, 2011

Speech Therapy...

Hmmm....Adam sakit mata. Naik macam biji kat kelopak mata. Sebelum ni dah pernah jadi...nak picit tak boleh sebab dia menggelupur, so bawak gi jumpa dr. Lim. Macam biasa dia bagi ubat. Kali ni dia bagi antibiotik. Nanti aku akan peram jer antibiotik tu dalam freezer sebab Adam tak makan ubat. Ubat mata ada dan sepersalinan set untuk memicit biji kat mata tue...dah try tadi masa dia tido tapi dia still melarikan diri. 

Tapi, sebelum balik dari klinik, aku teringat nak tanya dr. Lim pasal Adam's speaking problem. As he cannot talk like other children...I am worried...He is supposed to tell story already...Is he like to be alone?...I said no...Is he making eye contact?...Yes with me. With other people I am not sure. Then, Dr. Lim anya Adam, do you want this vitamin? (sambil tunjuk vitamin), memang dia bagi vitamin every visits. Tapi Adam just trying to grab the vitamin from her and not making any eye contact, not saying yes or no. Cuma kalau aku tanya, dia jawablah. Kalau orang lain yang panggil dia Adam, buat apa tue? Jangan harap dia nak toleh ke response ke. 

So, dia pun bagilah reference untuk jumpa speech therapist kat Pacific Speech Therapy at  Island Glades, Penang. Nanti tunggu ayah balik baru buat appointment. 

Deep in my heart, I am denying about Adam's speech problem. I don't know...hope he is just slow coz of me. I am not a chatter box. I keep saying that he is doing fine...Let's hope he is okay. Not asperger or autistic or anything like in magazine and TV.  He is okay. He is fine. But, I have to prepare for the worst. 

Ya Allah, please help.

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