Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Second session

The session was yesterday. Well, really want to wrote yesterday but Adelina kept waking up so had to care for her...she is teething again, very fussssy, doesn't want to eat anything, really skinny now. 

I was very sleepy during the session coz slept late and not enuf sleep the night before. He just sat at the table for a short time and got distracted by other toys in the room. The therapist is a pro, I was worry coz Adam could not sit still. Then he would make his own word and noise. Nothing much, she just wanted to know Adam's level. Not Ms Ohh. She asked about colors, action words, animals, numbers. Adam was more interested in the toys instead of answering her...But when we waited then he would answer. She said that we have to be firm so that Adam will obey. No yelling or high pitch voice. Everyday is a therapy. Keep talking to Adam. At the mall, during driving, having lunch...(but sometimes Adam just scream at me whenever I ask him...what is this, that is what....) coz he is not in the mood to learn.
Sigh....Adam, mama really hope that you can be a good boy. Forgive me for everything. I love you...Now, he is talking and asking me question. Sometimes it feels annoying, but just layan...whenever ayah says bising la. I would remind ayah. He is in this too. I cannot do this alone. I cannot afford to give up. God, help me.

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