Saturday, August 25, 2012


Just back from airport. He's gone...have a safe journey hubs. Gonna miss your presence. Hope you'll be back with my bags...
Driving at night really dangerous for me. I have high astigmatism. Even though wearing glasses, I'm not confident driving at night. Driving at town area with lot's of lights is ok but at highway...and my 2 year old toddler screaming and crying all the way after seeing her dad fleeing without her. Thankfully we arrived safely at home.
 I am used to be alone. I locked all the doors and keep a knife in the bedroom in case anything bad happen. We have a safe access in the house if fire broke of bad people coming. I am kind of obsessed with all these very bad people and their capabilities. Always treat strangers as bad people (even though most crimes are commit by someone you know). SCARY even more. What ever it is always be ready and fight for your life. Hope Allah will protect me as always.
and....I have to inform my friend to check me out if anything went wrong. 

I don't feel so lonely anymore because I have 2 cats accompany me :))))
Well, I have lot's of work tomorrow and Adam's will resume his kindy class after the long holiday.
Adelina also has to resume her Brillkids after a week break.  

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