Thursday, July 5, 2012


Perasaan yang amat membuatkanku rasa bersalah...
After a long day with the kids...I always urge them to go down...(watch tv with daddy downstairs) so that i can relax and be alone for a while...but after 10 mins even the tv shows disney channel, both of them will climb up the stairs and boing...boing...boing...on the bed...
Why they always want to be with me all the time? Please be with your dad too lil guys...How could them be with their dad while the dad always on the tabbie or lappie enjoying their own moment...
My bedroom door knob is still broken due to my hot temper slamming the door months ago so I cannot lock it...darn!!!
I just wanna be alone...just for a while...this is bad. Am i a bad ungrateful mom? Maybe...

I still don't like to cook...
Tonight I steamed a fish...quite good. Adelina ate. Adam doesn't like fish except sardines in can. My hubby...aiseh...always sleep early and miss dinner at the end just throw everything into the bin...what a waste. That's why I hate cooking coz nobody appreciates my cooking...except me.

My new cat is doing fine...he's not so afraid of people anymore...but tend to urinate on the bed when his litter is full...aiyoh!!! Tomorrow have to add one more litter box. Hope can snap a picture with my new cat...

It's bed time for the kids, GTG.

I forgot to press publish and went to bed...woke up at 1.00 am.
Just realized that it was Nisfu Syaaban, so I recited Yassin and pray sunat Hajat. I am ot fasting today...I am not a fasting kind of person. I only fast in Ramadhan and qada' the fast i missed. Hope today and tomorrow and the days after that will be full of blessings from my dear Allah...Amin.

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